Each and every dollar you raise for Bowl for Kids’ Sake makes a difference in the life of a child.
Go to infinity and beyond with your personal fundraising goal to receive the gifts above. Reach for the stars–the more you raise, the more you earn! (Note that each prize level also includes the gifts before it.)
Got your eye on a prize but need help getting there? Let us help. By utilizing shared BFKS resources, personalizing your personal fundraising page, learning how to recruit teammates and how to ask for money, and creatively fundraising, you can hit your goal in no time! And, remember—our team is always available to provide resources and answer any questions you might have—just call us at 865.523.9455 or email development@tennesseebig.org .
P.S.- After your fundraising page is set up, be sure to check in with your team captain to ensure your team has its lane reserved! If you are a team captain and your lane is not reserved, click here!